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Wheel loss

Wheel loss in commercial vehicles is very rare but can have catastrophic consequences.

Investigation has shown that the majority of cases are caused by one of the following errors:

Over tightening of fixings

This causes excess stress in the studs, nuts and other components - often causing complete and sudden failure.

Under tightening of fixings

Runs the risk of nuts working loose and subsequent wheel loss.

Foreign matter

Dirt, dust, rust or paint can be trapped between components when tightened. If this matter compresses or collapses the fixing can work loose.

Reused, worn or damaged components

Damaged wheel nuts, studs, and other components can result in a wheel not being clamped properly even when a correct torque setting is achieved, leading to potential wheel loss.

Powerful technology

Fuel economy & tyre wear

Our knowledge base on recommended tyre pressures.

Learn more
up to 400 wheel detachments a year UK’s Department for Transport

Connecting tyres and wheels for smarter working

Tailored TyreWatch solutions

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You can rely on TyreWatch to

  •   Show real-time visibility of every tyre in your fleet
  •   Maximise vehicle uptime
  •   Reduce fuel, tyre and maintenance costs
  •   Improve road safety for everyone
  •   Lower environmental impact

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